How Artificial Intelligence is driving innovation in iGaming

How Artificial Intelligence is driving innovation in iGaming

When you recently logged in to your online games account or visited one to research it about possibly joining, have you ever wondered why the UX and how the site flows so smoothly? Or why there are so many names popping up on the leaderboard? The answer lies with AI running the show with today’s leading online game sites.

In the four years since the titanic shift to online games took place, the pressure and attention continue to mount for leading online game brands to maintain the flow of new members and, above all, retain them. With the formidable partnership with AI, online games continue innovating for newer and broader horizons.

1. Understanding the AI Basics

Fundamentally, artificial intelligence (AI) mimics human behavior and patterns and programs them into machines to improve efficiency and profits in the cases of businesses and companies. Through extensive programming and models, AI continues to advance to unbelievable heights, even replacing human workers. Of all the industries, AI has had the most profound impact on the online game industry. From customer support to personalized gaming, AI takes its impressive machine learning algorithms and channels into behavioral AI, which takes online games to new and rewarding profitable levels.

2. How AI Is Used for Online Game Customer Support

For those who have been gaming online since the beginning of online games, you might remember the frustrating wait times dealing with real human agents. Those days are long gone because AI chatbots have come so far that they have completely taken over the live chat duties. AI chatbots for online games have become so sophisticated that they handle complex issues like banking and accounting and resolve them in minutes. Of all the features necessary for a successful online game, customer support has to be on point.

Even with the state-of-the-art games and promotions, if an online game player can’t make deposits or they can’t cash out, for example, chances are they will quit that game and move on elsewhere. Here are the ways that AI rightfully has become the flagship for online customer support:

  • More Personalized Conversations: Through behavioral AI, the chatbot not only knows your name but also your preferences for that online game. Beyond discussing and finding a resolution for your current problem, the AI chatbot can make personal recommendations or even inquire about previous issues that might not be resolved.
  • Always Available: Unlike working with human labor, AI chatbots are available 24/7. Not only are they super efficient, but AI chatbots are increasingly becoming cost-saving measures. By saving money with AI chatbots, online games can re-purpose the money into other areas that need improvement.
  • Promote Responsible Gameplay: To operate legally, iGaming sites have a responsible gaming section. The responsible gaming section aims to help members prevent problem gaming habits that come with financial, if not life-ending, consequences. Chatting with AI might tell you about some gaming habits or concerns and encourage you to practice responsible gaming measures.

3. How Does Artificial Intelligence Enhance iGaming?

Online games have a tough juggling act. How can they make as many members as possible happy with the games while trying to have diversity? At the end of the day, slots usually make up the majority, which is why online games prioritize them over the other games. However, this strategy might cause some members to engage less with the site, which often means not making as many deposits or purchasing gold coins on social gaming sites like Pulsz. But thanks to AI, the gaming experience is more personable in these ways.

  • Creates Personal Game Strategies: While it’s common for online games to have detailed glossaries for general games, behavioral AI, after studying a member’s playing behaviors and favorite games, can craft a personalized gaming strategy for that member. Once that member receives the personalized strategy, it will lead to retention and perhaps more referrals.
  • Custom Game Development: While elite third-party game developers like Betsoft and Habanero are at the forefront for most online games, more online games are turning to in-house development in recent years. Based on stored player habits, behavioral AI leads the way for customized game levels and original variants based on classic games.
  • Personalized Promos: It’s no mystery that slots make up most of the promotions. Because slots easily make up about two-thirds of a gaming library, it’s no mystery that the promotions lean heavily on slots. But what if you prefer blackjack or roulette? Thanks to behavioral AI, knowing which members prefer blackjack or roulette, behavioral AI creates dynamic ads and promos for members for those games. With the personalized touch, the membership retention level keeps improving.
  • Predictive AI: Just like behavioral AI spearheads personalized promos and bonuses, predictive AI helps online games get a jump on future profits. If the return on investment shows that personalized baccarat promotions improved player engagement, then with predictive AI, marketing new baccarat variants is the next logical step to retain those members and get them to invest further.

4. AI Is on the Frontline for Cybersecurity

But of all the duties, AI is online game’s main asset and weapon to battle the increasing problems and damaging cybercriminals. In recent years, cyberthieves have caused trillions in damages and perhaps more in unrealized losses due to permanent brand ruining. With AI, it takes the lead in protecting an online game’s brand reputation with these essential measures:

  • AI for Registration: At a higher success rate than human experts, AI can weed out fraud and process new member registration. By verifying the registration form information and social security number against the photo ID, AI has a high success rate in weeding out cyberthieves.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: Even when successfully registered, behavioral AI continues to be on the front line to protect all members. Multi-factor authentication is usually used to verify a member’s authenticity as a safeguard.
  • Financial Fraud Prevention: Through behavioral AI, an online game knows each member’s payment methods and credentials. So, if a member suddenly switches up the payment methods or tries to use another member’s credentials, behavioral AI immediately locks them out of the network.


As online games continue to rack up impressive profits and more states work hard to legalize them, it’s becoming increasingly clear that AI’s role will only continue to grow. As mobile apps become more refined, look for AI to have even more input in their development and management.

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